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Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Thoughts

This is completely random and has got nothing to do about ANYTHING. I was just sitting @ my computer desk browsing my daily gossip online, after watching a BREEZY movie called 1408. I saw that really old commercial for ppl addicted to meth. U know the one where this girl in her twenties thought EVERYTHING was dirty in her apt. She scrubbed and scrubbed, but to no avail.

Anyways I just keep thinking of her friends(if she had any that weren't users) like I felt sorry for them, for putting up with her. I'm sure one way or another she has imposed to them. Whether its to borrow money, or get rides from them, or whatever. Now not trying to sound cold or anything, but is it wrong for her friend(s) to decline her of help after doing so for such a long time? After so many years I'm sure her friends have tried to help her get better. And after seeing her ACTUALLY get better and falling for the same pattern over and over again. Isn't it ok to DECLINE her when she asks for help? I mean we all gotta get on with our own lives right? The world does not revolve for just that ONE person. Now before everyone starts to name me a cold heartless assh*le who doesn't want to help their friend in need lemme ask u something. Suppose u put urself in her friends shoes.. U know the girl addicted to meth commercial. Now I'm sure like I said before they've tried to help a million brazillion times. And still the same results. Even though that girl probably says things like. Oh I'm not addicted to the stuff, I can ALWAYS kick the habit anytime I want. Now I'm sure all of you will disagree when I say that not ALL drugs are addictive. I just don't think so. I do not agree with that statement whatsoever. I think drugs are addictive. Especially those recreational ones. Anyways that's besides the point. Try putting urself in her friends shoes, after helping her get better and whatever, and then have to be put in the same position again. I mean wouldn't u want to have ur own life? A life where u don't have to worry about a friend of yours that might do the stupidest things in order to get in touch with meth, or any kind of drugs for that matter. Now remember people can and should be able to make their own decisions on how to run their own life.

Is it wrong to leave a friend in need? A friend who if u help then sees u as someone who will help her feed that habit. Now keep in mind you have already helped her sooo many times and it just keeps going on and on and on. Same results everytime. Is it wrong to kick her to the curb? I don't really think so. I don't think ANYONE deserves that kind of sh*t. I think it would be smart of her friends to just forget about her, and go on with their own lives. I mean we all got better things to do than to tend to the needs of an addict don't we?

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