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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Want a Blowjob with that subway ride?

Oh my. Whether real or not, this video is spreading around the Korean internet, sparking plenty of discussion.

Update: According to the Joongang Ilbo the police’s “counter-cyberterrorism” division is the one assigned to the case. Also you can check out this site for plenty of links to Korean blog posts about the video.

Further update: A similar incident occurred in a McDonald’s in Japan.

Two men are under investigation by police after being captured on film performing sex acts on line 5 of the Seoul Subway.

The 12-minute video, titled “Line 5, 2 Men” (지하철 5호선, 남자 둘), shows two men, who appear to be in their mid-20s, openly engaging in sex acts on the sparsely populated subway car. There is someone sitting next to them but after he moves away they strip to their underwear and begin the sex acts.

Furthermore, the video contains the sound of the recorded subway announcements, lending credence to it having really been made on a subway car.

But there is also the possibility that it was filmed with a hidden camera.

The police announced, “the video is spreading quickly through file-sharing programs on the internet. We have asked various portal sites to delete the video but netizens continue to circulate it.”

One media outlet has reported one citizens’ tip that the video in question was recorded two to three years ago.

That person said, “the video was made two or three years ago. It was put up for paid viewings on one gay website which isn’t around anymore. It was 100% a performance.”

There is high debate among netizens as to whether or not the video is for real and many are calling for the people involved to be found and punished.

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