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Monday, October 22, 2007

Cute hat

Went to this clothing store, cute girl btw.. I like her.. She smiles a lot.. Because we were silly though.. Haha.. Anyways bought a hat there.. Soo cuutte!! Hahaha.. But oh man.. Boo.. But still soo cuute!!

Then we decided to watch a movie, got some lil snackies from that cafe plc.. Mitsuru café?? I think I'm not sure the name. I forgot.. Well I didn't pay attention.. There's a difference.. Hahaha.. I did not.. I repeat.. DID NOT know there were shu-mai there.. Dang it!! I'm gonna start buying it there.. Dannngg iitttt!!!

We cancelled the movie, and decided to bbq instead.. On the way home we saw like a forest fire.. Btw the wind was crazy!! I could feel my car get all wobbly and shit.. Haha.. But it was all good. I drove carefully..

Exited at culver to go to 99 ranch market.. And bought cholesterol sauce aka hoisin sauce.. And bought some porkchops.. And bbq'd.. Maaaaannn!!! Good stuff, we went bezonkers for those.. Hahahaha!!! We ate like cavemen pretty much.. No utensils.. Just HANDS.. Delish!!!! And that was the end of the day.. Oh and I almost got run over by a freakin jerk in an sl500 mercedez after switching my car with jessica.. Damn you!!! There's ppl crossing!!! I wish he did hit me.. I'll sue his mo'fo' ass!!

Btw the picture seems like there's only 3 pork.. Trust me there were more.. These were for my rents.. Hahaha!! Only left them 3!! That's sad.. It was at least like 20 pork there!!


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